Portrait classes for adults with Kylie at Art Friends
Have you ever wanted to draw either yourself or someone else, but lack the confidence?
Art Friends now offer an online step-by step-portrait class called
In this module we are going to investigate and play with self-portraiture. We will explore our faces and materials in a fun and creative way resulting with dramatic outcomes. This five-lesson workshop introduces students to the following processes of portraiture drawing
- Drawing basics using line.
- Exploring colour
- Using different techniques to create the portrait.
Workshop Content
Lesson 1 Scribble Let’s begin with loosening up with simple scribbling techniques and building upon these lines to create a face.
Lesson 2 Line The focus is all on line and using it to develop the features of our face..
Lesson 3 Colour Play We will use water colours to loosely add colour as we continue creating an open face portrait on amazing mineral paper.
Lesson 4 Colour and Line In this lesson we will extend our previous lesson and will continue to build up the portrait by adding more line over our watercolour.
Lesson 5 Scribble Line Colour Portrait Using all techniques we have learnt; we will now combine and play to create our finished pieces.
We will combine our new drawing and painting skills to build art knowledge and confidence. Lessons are for beginners to more advanced, which means for everyone! I do hope you will join me for Scribble Line Colour Equals Portrait! Kylie.