Experience 1 Free Line
We look at drawing a random line as a mediative exercise and enjoy the idea of taking that line for a journey. We also explore contouring the line to create a pattern. This line become a series of lines and all the time creating a gentle series of moments where we find calm while we work.
Experience 2 Dot point patterns
This exercise can be very meditative. It is about simply adding dots in patterns which create a very effective series of dot journeys. These patterns alternate with thick and fine dots connecting in a very loose but delightful way.
Experience 3 Triangles
Triangles are a wonderful shape and have been used in art and architecture throughout history.
This exercise creates triangles of many shapes and then we fill these in with curved contour lines, all the time becoming more mindful and relaxed as each triangle is completed.
Experience 4 Pattern and shape
This exercise starts with random circles or egg shapes over the page. They look as though they are floating in space! Then we will create patterns within the circles finally joining them with lines. So relaxing.
Experience 5 Leaves
Using colour and line we will explore leaves in a relaxing exercise.
We build up a series of leaves and then we create patterns within the leaf.
These patterns are then painted and during this time we become immersed in the joy of creating.
Level Definition.
No artistic skill is assumed in all of our lessons. All modules are suitable for clients to work with a facilitator.
1. Basic skills. Some may need direction. Be able to hold a brush or pen. Able to follow simple instructions.
2. Building on Basics. Able to create simple shapes and patterns. Maintain concentration for a longer period.
3. Capable. Follow simple instructions independently.
4.Competant. Independent worker able to try new challenges
Line and Pattern includes 5 art experiences to enable you to feel confident and relaxed.
The material list for this experience is recommended only! You can purchase from us or you local art supplier.
Level 2
- Fineliner Pen
- Broadline Marker
- A3 Cartridge Paper
- Kohinoor Watercolor Set
- Synthetic Brush (AF22)

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