So you want to be a fashion designer?.. or do you just enjoy playing with colour and line? Well, this series of lessons is a perfect mix of both. Join me and explore a range of art materials to create your own boldly coloured and patterned paper fabrics and then I will show you how to turn your paper into amazing outfits. You will also learn to accessorize your fashion figures by adding hats, bags, scarves and even a pet! In these five fun classes, you will be able to develop your own style by expanding on simple starting points. Look out Paris because once you have started there will be no stopping you!

Workshop Content

Exercise 1 Let’s begin with creating your own unique, boldly coloured and patterned paper fabric.

This lesson is all about experimentation and play. Using your oils pastels and eco-colours you will be able to achieve amazing effects.

Exercise 2 Faces! Using simple lines, I will show you the techniques needed to create your models faces. Once you have mastered it you can go on to give each face a different personality and maybe add a hat or crazy hairstyle.

Exercise 3 Starting to tear. With the simple and unpredictable action of tearing you now have the beginnings of your own fashion range. Watch how each shape becomes the starting point for a unique one-of-a-kind garment. Let’s make fashion!

Exercise 4 Adding accessories. What fashion house doesn’t have wonderful accessories! Let’s add hats, scarves, bags, shoes and watch how these extras bring your designs to life!

Exercise 5 Animals are definitely a fashion accessory! In this lesson you create a furry friend for your fashion models and their catwalk experience!

Glue stick
Maxi noris pencil or soft grey lead 2b to 4b

Level Definition.

No artistic skill is assumed in all of our lessons. All modules are suitable for clients to work with a facilitator.

1. Basic skills. Some may need direction. Be able to hold a brush or pen. Able to follow simple instructions.

2. Building on Basics. Able to create simple shapes and patterns. Maintain concentration for a longer period.

3. Capable. Follow simple instructions independently.

4.Competant. Independent worker able to try new challenges

Workshop Preview, Materials and Cost


Passion for Fashion  includes 5 art experiences to enable you to feel confident to engage with a variety of media.

The material list for this workshop is recommended only! You can purchase them as a kit from us or from your local art supplier.

Level 3

  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
    • 50 $ plus postage
    • 200 $ plus postage
    • $

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